
Fast thread

Universal Java Thread Dump Analyzer



Major Outages in Major Enterprises

JAX – Online conference is the meeting place for all Java and software architecture enthusiasts! This year also, they have conducted an online conference to exchange knowledge and ideas from speakers all over the world. They have invited our architect to... Continue Reading →

JVM Internals in 1 slide

JAX - Online conference is the meeting place for all the Java and software architecture enthusiasts! This year also, they have conducted the online conference to exchange the knowledge and ideas from the speakers all over the world. They have... Continue Reading →

Video Blog: 7 JVM Arguments of Highly effective applications

You can pass 600+ arguments to JVM just around Garbage collection and memory. It’s way too many arguments for anyone to digest and comprehend. In all these 4 videos, 7 important JVM arguments that will boost your Java/Scala/Jython application performances... Continue Reading →

What is Garbage collection log, Thread dump, Heap dump?

Java Virtual Machine (JVM) generates 3 critical artifacts that are useful for optimizing the performance and troubleshooting production problems. Those artifacts are: Garbage collection (GC) log Thread Dump Heap Dump In this article let us try to understand these 3... Continue Reading →

Health Check Status page

Debug/Diagnostic information about the application and JVM instance is published in the health check status page. In the health check status page, the following information is printed in the JSON format: Memory Operating system Class loading Compilation Threading CPU Utilization... Continue Reading →

Load balancing: Round robin may not be the right choice

Based on our experience, we believe Round robin may not be an effective load balancing algorithm, because it doesn't equally distribute traffic among all nodes. You might wonder how this is possible? Yes, it is possible πŸ™‚ How Round robin... Continue Reading →


Java.lang.VirtualMachineError is thrown when Java virtual machine encounters any internal error or resource limitation which prevents it from functioning. It's a self-defensive mechanism employed by JVM to prevent entire application from crashing. In this article lets discuss different types of... Continue Reading →


 This is an old, outdated article. We have devised a better and simpler strategy to troubleshoot CPU spikes in this article.  Your Java application has been running fine, but all of a sudden CPU consumption starts to go higher and higher... Continue Reading →


Description Threads in 'runnable' state consume CPU. So when you are analyzing thread dumps for high CPU consumption, threads in 'runnable' state should be thoroughly reviewed.Typically in thread dumps several threads are classified in 'RUNNABLE' state. But in reality several of them wouldn't be actually running,... Continue Reading →

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